I am Emilio Coppa, a student of the M.Sc. in Engineering in Computer Science at University Sapienza of Rome, Italy. My research interests include performance profiling, programming languages, design and analysis of algorithms and data structures.
I will present at PLDI (11 june - Session 2A) the paper "Input-Sensitive Profiling", co-authored with Camil Demetrescu (my advisor) and Irene Finocchi. We propose a new profiling methodology and toolkit for helping developers discover hidden asymptotic inefficiencies in the code. A key feature of our method is the ability to automatically measure the size of the input given to a generic code fragment: to this aim, we propose an effective metric for estimating the input size of a routine and show how to compute it efficiently.
This is my first participation to a conference and I am really excited to meet new people and discuss with them.
Hope to meet you soon in Beijing :)