Monday, July 15, 2013

Experience at PLDI'13

This was my first time to attend PLDI. I presented a paper entitled Steal Tree: Low-Overhead Tracing of Work Stealing Schedulers For me, attending PLDI and presenting my paper was a great experience and I felt the reception and atmosphere at PLDI was great. The poster that I presented along with my paper was a great addition; during the session many researchers approached me and I was able to explain the work in a personalized way.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

PLDI Done.

Another great visit to PLDI.

I gave my talk in the morning of the first day.  I can't say how much that relaxed me for the rest of the conference.  It was great to talk with people between sessions or over dinner or drinks later in the evening.

I thought these talks were great,
  • Max Schäefer's talk Dynamic Determinacy Analysis [paper].
  • Sebastian Burckhardt's talk It's alive! continuous feedback in UI programming [paper].
  • Sriram Sankaranarayanan's talk Static analysis for probabilistic programs: inferring whole program properties from finitely many paths [paper].
  • Santosh Nagarakate's talk Formal verification of SSA-based optimizations for LLVM [paper].
  • Abhishek Udupa's talk TRANSIT: specifying protocols with concolic snippets [paper].
After talking about verified software with some very smart people, I'm inspired to learn Coq.  Good times.