Monday, June 23, 2014
Another spectacular PLDI
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Back from Edinburgh
Also my first PLDI
Thursday, June 19, 2014
My first PLDI
The Future of PLDI session was also very enlightening. I enjoyed Jan and Sriram's impersonation of each other. I like the idea of having more dedicated reviewers per topic and the idea of the two-phase review process. I would also like to vote for automatic upgrade of the PLDI papers to Journals (with the authors having the option of submitting an extended version which is not bound by the page limits of PLDI).
My talks at the associated workshops (X10 and ARRAY) went very well too, got lots of interesting questions and positive feedback. I also had the opportunity to network and discuss with researchers in similar fields.
I'm also glad that I got to go to Edinburgh and experience the city. It is charming beautiful. After the conference, I also made a small trip around the Highlands - Isle of Skye, Loch Ness, Loch Lomond, etc. It is so green and peaceful. Definitely plan to visit Scotland again.
The poster session was very helpful, I got lots of interested listeners and useful feedback. I am very grateful to NSF-SIGPLAN for the travel support that I received. Looking forward to attending PLDI 2015.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
This was also the first time that I gave a talk at a conference (as well as my first conference!). It was definitely nerve-racking at first, but the anxiety went away soon afterwards. I would definitely look forward to attending future conferences!
I'm also glad that I got to go to Edinburgh and experience the city. The architecture was very pretty and the food was delicious. I'd like to thank ACM, NSF, and Professor Zhang for giving me this opportunity!
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Attending PLDI was an awesome experience
Post-PLDI Blog
I also really enjoyed the "Future of PLDI" discussion. I resonated with a few of the things said, including the idea of making some optimizations on the reviewing process. In my opinion, having each reviewer handle 20 papers is too much; it cannot allow enough time for reviewers to obtain an in-depth understanding of each paper. Reducing the number of papers assigned to each reviewer and reducing redundancy in reviewing resubmitted papers could go hand-in hand. One idea was to allow authors to submit with a list of conferences they would be willing to publish to. Since authors are likely to re-submit the same work to lower-tier conferences, the reuse of reviewers would save reviewer-time. Another idea I liked was to pre-publish on a site like arXiv and encourage peer feedback prior to publication. This would improve the quality of submissions, likely streamlining the review process.
All in all, attending PLDI gave me a chance to meet fellow researchers, and get better acquainted with the community and research at large. Thanks for the opportunity!
Jake Brock
Monday, June 16, 2014
After PLDI
I actually had quite a busy time before and during the PLDI. I had one paper and one poster to present. Plus, I need to help work on the slides of another paper of mine, which is presented by another coauthor. Basically, I spent the whole couple of weeks before PLDI working with PowerPoint and rehearsing my talk.
However, all these efforts didn't end up in vain. I had a great time during the poster session and presenting the paper. I had a good time chatting with people and received interesting feedback. It felt especially good when others came to you and expressed how much they liked your work. During the poster session, I even had a chance to describe my work to Neil Jones, the receiver of Programming Languages Achievement Award this year.
Having felt so good about this year's PLDI, it makes me look forward to future PLDIs.
Post-PLDI Post
The poster session was excellent. It was a good way to engage people in a 1-on-1 format, which can be a much more focused way to share your work. I wish I had time to take a look at other students' posters, instead of being glued to my own!
I also gave a talk. It was my first major conference talk, and I was terribly nervous as I gave it, but it seemed to go well despite that. The questions after the talk indicated an insightful and attentive audience.
My only complaint is that the ballroom projector wobbled whenever anyone was near it. Given the quality of the conference in every other regard, it seemed a little silly to have a bobbling projector :-).
Thanks to the NSF for funding.
Hope to see everyone I met again in the future,
Sunday, June 15, 2014
This year Scotch, next year Coffee
PLDI Wrap-up
Our work on Verification Modulo Versions was well-received. Francesco gave a great presentation and I had several discussions with people who enjoyed the paper/talk.
The SRC poster session and talk also went well. I had an especially interesting discussion about the relationship of what we're doing to some concepts in machine learning, which could be a very interesting future research direction. I managed to finish my talk on time and got some excellent questions from the audience. I really liked hearing the other SRC talks and getting to talk with some of the other students about their work--some really interesting ideas in there!
Hope to be back for PLDI '15 in lovely Portland.
What happened at my first PLDI?
The paper I presented on my language FAST received very good comments and many people showed interest in the topic.
Attending and presenting at PLOOC, the workshop on PL technologies in MOOCs, was also very helpful.
I loved the 1 minute talks at the beginning of the day. They were very helpful in choosing which talks to attend (or not attend).
As many pointed out few things fell a bit short:
- The parallel sessions were poorly organized. The two main examples being Atomicity and Parallelism happening at the same time. The same for Verification and Static Analysis 1.
- The second room for the "B-track" wasn't adequate. It felt like there were business class and economy class papers. The first room was a theatre, the second one was awful with bad audio, a shaky projector and not enough chairs.
- Lunch: inadequate portions but most important it was not possible to sit. For many shy students (especially first year PhD) it's not easy to go and talk to many professors. Lunch is usually one of those occasions where it is enough to sit at the table to start a discussion. This wasn't an opportunity this time.
The conclusion of PLDI'14
Thursday, June 12, 2014
A villanelle
It was a joy to attend and present
our research to renowned scientists.
(Thanks to the ACM and NSF.)
After rehearsing time and time again,
the time had come to bring Shapes to the show.
It was a joy to attend and present.
A teaser, poster show, and main event,
the third run by coauthor Fabian M.
(Thanks to the ACM and NSF.)
All went well 'till a man in the back said,
"I invented this stuff score years ago!"
It was a joy to attend and present.
Silenced but not appeased the old man left
We carefully considered his comments.
(Thanks to the ACM and NSF.)
Typeclasses could have reined F-Bounds; instead,
industry shaped a fix over the years.
It was a joy to attend and present.
(Thanks to the ACM and NSF.)
Monday, June 9, 2014
APPROX is not to be missed!
1st PLDI
I am Jesse Huang, an undergraduate at Rutgers University and working with Professor Zhang. I am participating in the International Symposium on Memory Management (ISMM), which is co-located with PLDI. We are exploring how to use atomic operations extensively for computation rather than communication on GPUs. I will be presenting our discoveries on Thursday.
This will be the first conference that I will attend! I'm pretty excited, since this will be a new experience for me. I'd like to thank NSF for helping fund me to attend this conference!
In addition, I will be presenting my poster on Monday: "Fair Partition-Sharing for Multicore Caches", and my fellow Rochester students' paper at MSPC on Friday: "Affinity-Based Hash Tables". I look forward to getting to hear all about the latest research, and meet a few people along the way!
Jake Brock
Sunday, June 8, 2014
PLDI First Timer
I just finished my third year at University of Massachusetts and first year in the Programming Languages and Systems lab. This is my first PLDI. At the SRC I will be presenting my work on SurveyMan, a programming language and runtime system for designing, debugging, and deploying scientific surveys at scale. I keep a research blog, where you can read more about current directions of the research.
I'm grateful to the NSF for providing funding to allow me to be here and am looking forward to meeting everyone!
Emma ToschSaturday, June 7, 2014
On the way to PLDI
I'm cobbling together a talk for the conference itself (paper: Expressing and Verifying Probabilistic Assertions) as well as a slot in APPROX, a new-this-year workshop on approximate and probabilistic computing. I'm both excited and nervous for both.
Since conference talks are on my mind, I wrote a longish blog post about lessons I've learned so far in grad school about preparing them. Rather than clog up this page with that text, I posted it to my own blog.
See you in Edinburgh!
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Hello from Providence, RI
I'm a second year PhD student at Brown University, advised by Shriram Krishnamurthi. This will be my first time attending PLDI, as well as my first time visiting Edinburgh. People keep going "ooh, Edinburgh!" and then suggesting sites to visit, so I look forward to the trip. My thanks to the NSF for helping fund me to attend PLDI.
I'm generally interested in programming languages, with a special interest in syntactic sugar. I'll be presenting in the main conference (Tuesday, Olio, 15:45):
Resugaring: Lifting Evaluation Sequences through Syntactic Sugar
Syntactic sugar is pervasive in language technology. It is used to
shrink the size of a core language; to define domain-specific
languages; and even to let programmers extend their language.
Unfortunately, syntactic sugar is eliminated by transformation, so the
resulting programs become unfamiliar to authors. Thus, it comes
at a price: it obscures the relationship between the user’s source
program and the program being evaluated.
We address this problem by showing how to compute reduction
steps in terms of the surface syntax. Each step in the surface
language emulates one or more steps in the core language. The
computed steps hide the transformation, thus maintaining the
abstraction provided by the surface language. We make these statements
about emulation and abstraction precise, prove that they hold in our
formalism, and verify part of the system in Coq. We have
implemented this work and applied it to three very different languages.
I look forward to meeting many of you at PLDI!
Justin Pombrio
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
My Third PLDI
I am Xin Zhang, a third year Ph.D from Georgia Tech. I have been fortunate to attend PLDI since my first year with the generous support from my advisor Mayur Naik, SIGPLAN and NSF.
PLDI has always been a major festival of the year for me. Not only is it a chance to hear talks on top-quality publications of our field, but it is also a rare chance to meet people in the community. Every time after PLDI, I always got back with fresh ideas and energies to work on research. I am confident I will feel the same after this PLDI.
Our group has two papers accepted at PLDI this time, and I am one of the authors for both papers.
"On abstraction refinement for program analyses in Datalog" proposes a novel counterexample-guided refinement (CEGAR) based approach via partial MAXSAT which automatically searches efficient abstractions for a given program analysis in Datalog. For a given query like a aliasing check (v!=u), our approach will either find a cheapest abstraction which proves this query or conclude that there is no abstraction in the space that can prove the query. The key observation here is that there is a natural connection between Datalog and SAT formula. Each grounded Datalog rule is basically a Horn clause. By encoding the derivations in Datalog as the hard constraints in MAXSAT, our approach successfully avoids all the counterexamples. By encoding the cost of the abstractions as weights of soft constraints in MAXSAT, our approach effectively chooses the cheapest abstraction while avoiding all the unviable abstractions.
"Hybrid top-down and bottom-up interprocedural analysis" introduces a novel interprocedural analysis framework which combines conventional top-down analysis and bottom-up analysis, and outperforms both empirically.
I am looking forward to seeing you guys at PLDI!
Monday, June 2, 2014
I'm currently finishing up my third year in the PhD. program at Washington University in St. Louis and will be attending my first PLDI. I will be presenting work done by my co-authors and I at the co-located workshop MSPC. Our paper, "Trash in Cache: Detecting Eternally Silent Stores" discusses a technique to track liveness of objects while they are in cache, allowing us to clear dirty bits and avoid write-backs of any dead data in cache. I will also be presenting a poster based on this work Monday night during the SRC. I look forward to answering any questions and receiving feedback from everyone.
I am very excited to attend PLDI thanks in part to NSF funding through ACM SigPlan. I look forward to hearing as many talks as possible. I also look forward to discussing research and life with as many of you as possible. See you all there and safe travels.
Jon Shidal